Ophthalmic Paediatric Consultations

Ophthalmic Paediatric Consultations

A comprehensive eye examination by an Ophthalmologist is recommended for all children who have:
  • A family history of the following:
  1. Turned Eyes (Strabismus)
  2. Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  3. Wearing strong glasses at an early age (refractive error)
  • Premature birth (36 weeks gestation or less)
  • Any signs of a  Developmental Delay
Signs that your child may require an eye examination by an Ophthalmologist:
  • One or both pupils have an unusual or white appearance. This may be noticed in photographs
  • There is persistent watering or discharge from the eyes
  • One eye appears to be turned frequently or the eyes do not seem to move well
  • There is extreme sensitivity to light or glare
  • The head is consistently tilted/turned to one side
  • The child sits close to the television and holds books/puzzles at very close range
  • The eyes do not look the same

Paediatric Ophthalmologist

Dr William Talbot is our sub-specialist Paediatric Ophthalmologist. Dr Talbot completed his paediatric fellowship at The Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Dr Talbot conducts paediatric evaluations at our practice and performs paediatric strabismus surgery at both the Mater Hyde Park and the Townsville Hospital. Dr Talbot is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Strabismus Society.


Ortho = Straight                  Optics = Eyes

An orthoptist is a university trained, allied health care practitioner who specialises in in the assessment, diagnosis and non-surgical management of disorders of the eye and visual system.  Orthoptists may also prescribe management programs for those with conditions such as refractive error, strabismus (squint), double vision, amblyopia (lazy eye), neurological disorders, as well as aiding in the rehabilitation of impaired vision.

Over the last several decades orthoptists have expanded their role and not only specialise in eye movement disorders but are also involved in the care of patients with eye disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, age related macular degeneration,  systemic or neurological vision disorders and low vision. Our practice has two Orthoptists on staff, (Tanya Cernak and Jenny Kanaris) who work in conjunction with Dr Talbot to help investigate and manage diseases of the eye.

Comprehensive Initial Paediatric Consultations

Comprehensive Initial Paediatric Consultations

What to Expect at your Child’s Eye Appointment:

On arrival you will be greeted by our reception team who will help you complete your registration. Your child will then undergo an assessment by one of our Orthoptists.  A thorough medical and ophthalmic history will be taken and then visual function will be tested by reading an eye chart, or matching letters and pictures, along with assessment of eye alignment, eye movements, 3-D vision, colour vision, and a check of the glasses prescription.

To complete a thorough evaluation we may need to instil some drops to dilate the eyes.  Please ensure that you bring along a pair of sunglasses and a hat to help minimise your child’s sensitivity to the light.  Keep in mind that these drops will blur your child’s vision for the rest of the day, particularly for near, so they will find it difficult to read and complete their schoolwork.

You will then be asked to take a seat in the waiting room as the drops will take approximately 45 minutes to work (sometimes longer, especially for darker coloured eyes).  If required, we can also perform visual field testing and scans of the retina to fully assess the ocular structures.

You will then see our Paediatric Ophthalmologist Dr William Talbot (Dr Bill as the kids like to call him!).  A comprehensive eye health examination is conducted and, if required, their glasses prescription is re-checked. Dr Talbot may order further testing if required (e.g. medical imaging, electrophysiology).

Whilst we endeavour to see patients on time, consultation times may vary as more extensive testing may be required.  We ask that you allow 2-3 hours for your first visit to our practice.

We have allocated paediatric clinics to ensure children receive appointments at an optimal time.  These can often occur during school hours and we understand that this is not always ideal, however it is essential and we appreciate your cooperation.

What to bring to your appointment

  • A referral letter from your GP or optometrist
  • Any Medicare, Pension/Health Care, Private Health and DVA cards
  • All current prescription glasses (both for distance and reading)
  • List of current medications
  • Outline of past medical history, including family history
  • Photographs which may identify any problems in your child’s eyes that you may be concerned about
  • List of questions to ask the doctor
  • Sunglasses and/or hat (in case of eye dilation)
We strive to make your wait as comfortable as possible and therefore offer:

  • Tea, coffee and biscuits
  • Designated children’s play area
  • Television with Children’s movies and TV shows
  • Snack packs (please ask out reception team)

Common Paediatric Eye Conditions

A basic description of Paediatric Eye Conditions for Strabismus, Refractive Error, Amblyopia, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia and Vision, Epiphoria (Watery Eye) and Chalazion.
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